Sunday, June 27, 2010

Technology error

Hey, I can't sign into my Western account. I've been trying for the past hour and it says there is an error. Are you guys having trouble too? Are the peer evaluations due by midnight? Is anything else due by midnight besides the group website?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

I made our collaborative gmail account for our group!
here's the information so you both can access it etc

password: recedt3470

if they ask you the security question: what was your first teacher's name--- put: mrs. martin

:) see if you can both access it

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


hey guys! Just wondering who was doing the final inspiration concept map thingy, i was trying to think of ideas of what we need to add, and for sure we need to add in our lessons somewhere that we all did with our different parts of the project. Mine for example that needs to be added would be added to the area on the map where it says research on recycling terms etc. You could just add in lesson plan 1 with computer lab research on terms and materials. Also, we need to add in the collection of info and inputting it into excel. so basically we have 6 total "lessons" to add, 2 for each of us. other than that i am not sure what we can add or do to improve it! keep the ideas going and someone accept the 30 day trial and start doing it off of the old one :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


As guardians and friends of my first grade student, you might of noticed them gathering garbage items over the past couple of days. Don't worry! This is all part of our recycling unit and will eventually lead to new and improved recycling system at our school and eventually to our community.
So far students have learned how to safely search the web for answers to "what is recycling" and "what can be recycled." The information they received was then presented on a group poster .They've also collected data on recycling in various households, inputted the data into Excel and created a graph based on the data collected.
The use of digital tools such as a computer and programs such as Excel are starting to occur because they are essential features of the environments in which todays students are living and learning. I'm starting to move away from the so-called "traditional teaching" and toward a new vision of instructional design. All of which will benefit your student!
I'm getting students comfortable with working in teams, accessing and analyzing information and to think creatively to solve problems. My goal is for them to see the big picture and to work on projects and assignments that relate to real-world problems and experiences.
If students come home frustrated, do not worry. Not all answers come easy and that is good! I want students to really have to be creative in their thinking and this takes time. Encourage your students and perhaps you will learn something too!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello ladies :)
I was just starting to look at the instructions for our podcast and I was wondering what "part" of it everyone wanted to do ... I was thinking I could do the beginning portion since I am more familiar with that from the first lesson plan etc. Let me know what you girls think and what ideas you have!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cultural Awareness document

This should open properly now, let me know if there are still problems!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

This website will give you the google map that was created for the lesson. The map has the letter "A" which represents Kalamazoo,MI. All the numbers 1-9 are the different types of recycling centers throughout Kalamazoo. The recycling centers range from regular waste removal to iron and metal recycling.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For our movie maker project, did you guys just want to sort of stick to the same areas we did our lesson plans on? This way we wouldn't do the same ones etc. I can do the research etc for recycling in general and I was going to use photos of landfills and whatnot in mine so please don't use those! Any other ideas?
Alright since I couldn't figure out how to save my ideas to the google document, I am going to post it on here for now! Lauren - could you help me figure out why I couldn't save it.... was i supposed to click something so I could be a member of the group? I am so confused lol.

Recycling Assignment
Things I added have a ** next to it- Amanda

Hey guys, I’m thinking we could have our students talk to another class from a different country to compare and contrast their recycling opportunities and abilities.
Who are the students your students will communicate with (specific location, grade level)?

I would assume our students would talk to a class at the same grade level, but I don’t know what grade our class is supposed to be? Maybe first? I think another country would be cool to give the students a different perspective but I don’t really have a specific preference.
**I agree with the same grade level. For my lesson plan I put grade 3 because I wasn’t sure, but it doesn’t matter to me! I was thinking either a less developed country to have our students compare with or maybe a “cleaner” and healthier country like china or something.

When would your students contact these other students (at what point in their project work)?

I think it would be the most beneficial to contact the other students after our class have done a fair amount of research on recycling, to be able to share what they have learned. So maybe half way through our recycling unit or more toward the end?

**I agree that it needs to be after our students have done most of their research etc. I think toward the end would be good and they can ask the other students from the other country if they think our recycling system is beneficial and what they would change for it etc before we make it final.

What kinds of questions would they ask each other and what kinds of information would they share?

Our students could ask the other class if they have recycling bins in their school? If there are recycling centers in their community? If their class has done a unit on recycling? What types of things they can recycle?

**and if they went to their school, what would they want to make recycling easier and what things can they do to promote recycling.

What will they do with the information they get from the other students?

I’m not sure what our class would do with the information they get from the other class.
**Use it to make our recycling system the best it can be? hahah I am not sure!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Assignment 7

Hey, I created a folder and started a document talking about the questions posted in module 4. I invited both of you through your gmail accounts. Let me know if there was a problem and make sure you try to edit the document to make sure that works too!
hello! so can someone make our little folder thing etc for our first assignment this week...? we need to start thinking of some ideas! :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My 3 websites for our evaluation thingy are:

please don't use the same ones! :)

as far as our lesson plans goes, I am going to deal with the subject of Language Arts, so please don't use that either!
Okay, great! sounds good! As far as our lesson plans go... Ellie-- did you want to cover the compost pile?? We just need to make sure we don't all do the same lesson!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hey, I think the concept map looks great! I like that you added in the compost pile, I think that gives our recycling theme more variety and more impact for the school. I think it would be a good idea to make a virtual field trip for our class too, I wrote about that in my paper haha. The kids could see pictures of a big recycling center and find out what happens to all of the materials after they put their pop cans in a special recycling bin!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hello! I just wanted to tell you both that I will be posting the concept map today! I did add in the compost pile etc too and we can decide if we want to end up doing it or not, I think it can be great!
Other things we could have the students do as well that I didn't really find a place for in the map:
- Have students, at the beginning of the project, bring in an item that they would usually throw away and we can see what other ways we can use it etc.
- Virtual field trip

that's it for now :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ellie- YES your blog worked haha! And your idea sounds great, do you maybe wanna start working on the concept map? You could send me an email with it attached and I could see what I wanna add to it and then we could send it to our other group member to and see how we like it? Just so we are all on the same page for the exact project! We just need to make sure that all of the curriculum is covered in our 1 final project :)

feel free to call me too whenever if it's easier!


Hey guys, this is Lauren Eavenson, but I like to be called Ellie for my initials "LE". I have no idea if I'm posting this in the right place, so let me know if this works!

I really like the idea of combining all of our suggestions for the project. The students can research and set up recycling bins in school for; paper, cardboard, cans and bottles etc. The students can also have a class or school compost pile where they recycle appropriate leftover food from their lunches. This compost could then be used for school flower beds and landscaping.
I was thinking that maybe the students could keep track of how much their school begins to recycle as a way to motivate others.

Let me know if you two had any other ideas or want to change anything!